Sunday, January 9, 2011

Unlock User Mailbox Nortel

Gardens Father

This morning was reopened to the public gardens Mossèn Costa i Llobera, after long closed. Contain one of the world's most important collections in arid plants, tropical and retaining water in general, among which are: cactus, palms, agaves, aloes or ficus. Were built in the late 60's in an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 3 hectares which had been occupied by anti-aircraft batteries, located in the southeastern part of Miramar, which creates a microclimate with fabulous views over the sea and port. The remodeling and have done well because they were too left and abused. Has also been used to cement some dirt trails. Although it has been today the opening, there were too many people because they have not advertised much, but among those present was the mayor Hereu, I've seen at least 3 times in the last month. Have had a breakdown between the audience giving a small pot with seeds of "mother-seats, which is ball-shaped cactus.


Berries palm


George Heir

The Puntaire, Joseph Viladomat

Gardens Picture of Father


Echinocactus grusonii (seat of suegra)


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