I refuse to go along.
I refuse to take the peace.
I refuse to put my dignity for a mere pittance.
I refuse to stop being me, so be nice to power.
I refuse to hate men because they are not to blame any of my troubles.
I refuse to dumb myself in the presence of a man to feel good, it has the least ready or memo, and so I pay attention or love my ...
I refuse to fall into the trap of feminist victimhood, because I'm the one who leads my fate and I have the right to make mistakes and do what they consider appropriate.
I refuse to stop being me because I like to live my life aware that I am living.
I refuse to be a zombie psychological ie numb my feelings because that is what makes the majority.
reirles I refuse to thank the power.
I refuse to be politically correct.
I refuse to stand still and stunned at a closed door, instead I prefer to paint over and see what happens.
I refuse to betray me, because there is no price to pay for my loss of uniqueness.
I refuse to this bondage because I have only one life to be lived, and I leave this earth with a smile on the wings and a heart full of freedom.
And you, what you refuse?
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